Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Tree plantation
Date 29/09/2018
Deforestation has resulted in mass destruction of biodiversity. A lot of medicinal plants are nearing extinction and some other species are being wiped off the face of earth even before we discover their potential.
A tree plantation drive was conducted at the Herbal garden of College of Ayurveda, BVU by the NSS unit of our college in association with the Dravyaguna department to commemorate the 150th Birthday of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the father of our nation.
The event started of with the introduction of vermicomposting , it’s procedure and it’s importance by Mr. Girish Belhekar.
The following points were highlighted by him:
1. The Vermicomposting unit should be in a cool moist and shady site.
2. Cow dung and chopped dried leafy material are mixed in the proportion of 3:1 and are kept for partial decomposition for 15 to 20 days.
3. A layer of 15 to 20 cm of chopped dried leaves /grass should be kept as bedding material at the bottom of the bed.
4. Beds of partially decomposed material of size 6x2x2 ft. should be made.
5. Each bed should contain 1.5 to 2 quintal of raw material and the number of beds can be increased as per raw material availability and requirement.
6. RED EARTHWORMS (1500 to 2000) should be released on the upper layer of the bed.
7. Beds should be sprinkled with water with the help of a can after the release of the earthworms.
8. Beds should be sprinkled with water (daily) to keep them moist and should be covered with wet           gunny bags or polythene sheets to retain moisture.
9. Bed should be turned once after 30 days for maintaining aeration and for proper decomposition.
10. Compost gets ready in 45 to 50 days.
11. The finished product is 3/4th of the raw material used.  
Vermicomposting is an efficient method of utilising waste products or by products and obtaining fodder of high nutritional value. It is non-polluting and does not harm the surrounding environment.
This was followed by the plantation of medicinal herbs at the Herbal Garden. Approximately 100 plants belonging to 30 different species were planted.   

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