Tuesday 28 May 2019

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be  University

Date: 16-31st August, 2018
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University College of Engineering NSS Unit celebrated SwatchhataPandharawda from 16th August to 31st August 2017. Different events were organized emphasizing value of social service and public cleaning among the students. Following is the detailed report of SwachhtaPakhwara.

17-18th August, 2018    : Campus Cleaning

Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Ayurved, NSS Unit devoted two days for cleaning their respective campus of their institutions. They ensured that they clean each and every part of their campus like classrooms, laboratories, libraries, toilets, auditoriums, playgrounds, lawns, roads etc.

NSS Volunteers doing SWACHHATA near Ayurved college parking.
NSS Volunteers cleaning the Ayurved Hospital coridoor
NSS Volunteers collecting the waste near Ayurved hospital

Cleaning carried out in the classrooms and porch.

27-29th August, 2018    : Cleaning of Bharati Ayurvedic Hospital .

Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, NSS Unit devoted two days for cleaning Bharati Ayurvedic Hospital and Katraj Bus Depot. The event ended with the SwachhtaShapath (Oath) by all NSS Volunteers along with the managers and workers of depot.

NSS Volunteers doing the Cleaning at Bharti Vidyapeeth Ayurved Hospital Pune
NSS Volunteers along with NSS Program officer collected Hospital Waste during Cleaning at Bharti Vidyapeeth Ayurved Hospital Pune

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